31st March is Trans Visibility day, a day to celebrate the Trans and Non-Binary community and also to highlight discussions surrounding issues the Trans community face.

Partnering with Bag brand CHOK Gothx, we had a photoshoot and interview with Caspian Okazaki, a Trans influencer and youtuber.

Q) firstly would you like to introduce yourself to our customers and tell us a bit about yourself

Hi! I’m Caspian. I’m 28 years old, I live in Brighton and I am transmasculine non-binary. My pronouns are he/they. I have been on Testosterone for almost 4 years! I have a huge passion for alternative/kawaii/Harajuku street fashion and it’s a big part of my life! Alongside being a social media influencer, I have a brand where I make apparel and accessories, which is all heavily influenced by kawaii and pastel aesthetic! I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about fashion, trans stuff and whatever I’m feeling like talking about :) 

Q) how would you describe your personal style?

My style is based on kawaii fashion from the streets of Japan, namely Harajuku. I am majorly influenced by pastel colours and I love big print! I also love to heavily accessorise and I live by the motto “more is more”. 

Q) how has your style evolved over time?

Before I discovered kawaii fashion, I had a big emo/scene phase! After finding kawaii fashion, my style has mainly stayed the same - except when I realised I was trans, started to transition and I stopped wearing skirts and dresses due to realising they gave me gender dysphoria (as they’re traditionally seen as feminine due to society deciding they are so). Other than that, I’m relatively the same person! Colours do not have gender therefore I see no reason to associate what I wear with my gender identity! 

Q) have you found COVID and the subsequent lockdowns have affected your style or your personal identity?

It didn’t affect me majorly - but I have been able to grow slightly with my fashion style as all the time on furlough has given me a chance to dress up more! 

Q) how has COVID affected your life as a trans person?

Unfortunately it’s been quite rough. I was supposed to get my top surgery, but due to the waiting lists closing because of COVID, I haven’t been able to get on the waiting list. It’s been a long time waiting for this and sadly I think if COVID had not have happened, I would have already had it! 

Q) whats your take on trans representation in mainstream media at this current moment in time?

I think it’s so important that we listen to trans people and hear their stories. An important one for me has been Elliot Page coming out as trans - there’s not a whole of of transmasculine representation in the media at the moment but it is increasing! He has a very big following and he is using his platform to educate others, and I think that’s amazing. There are a lot of damaging stereotypes out there (thanks JK Rowling..) and we need more open and proud role models for the trans folk out there who just need support and guidance. 

Q) if you could give any advice to younger you what would it be?

I would educate myself on who trans people are! When I was younger I didn’t even know you could be trans. I knew nothing about it, I labelled myself a tomboy and left it at that. I would love to explain that gender identity isn’t binary and neither is sexuality! 



Thank you so much for working with us Caspian. If you would like to follow him you can find him on youtube, instagram and tiktok under the username CaspianOkazaki. You can also check out his personal brand Darling Aslan, custom designed apparel, prints and accessories in a rainbow of pastels, on instagram and etsy.

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